Black Magic (2014-2015)
The body of work deals in a playful way with aspects in landscapes that hold dark perceptions and a supernatural feel to them. Exploring the notion of 'space' vs. 'Location' and the specificities that are rooted in geography through the associative aspect and nod to cultural references of witchcraft, myths and forests. 'Black magic' offers New possibilities of looking and meaning-making through attempting to disassemble and reassemble representations of the landscape in various ways.
The work involves manipulating ready-made hand drawn maps found online, some of which are old Finnish maps from the 17th-18th Century and some are imaginary, taken from a fictional book series. The process includes stripping down the maps from visible text and mirroring them into a Rorschach style images. Along with the maps are original medium film photographs, taken in the surrounding landscape of Hämeenkyrö, Finland, Some of which are also manipulated in various ways, creating a tension between the two dimensions of the photographs and the sculptural quality of the maps and the markings. This project was made during a 2-month artist-in-resident program in Finland called 'Arteles creative center' (May-June, 2014)
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